Would you love to get paid upfront to write or blog on any subject or topic that you want to? Are you looking for a way to earn a steady income online? Do you have access to a computer? If so, many companies will pay you to write and submit short articles to them right from your computer. If you happen to be in between jobs, laid off from work, disabled, a stay at home mom or dad, a student, elderly, looking for extra income to help pay some bills or whatever your current status is, you can get paid for your content.
You can even start earning money for your original content today. I will tell you exactly what you need to do to get started writing articles for legit work-from-home writing companies.
What do I need?
The only thing that you need is a computer with Internet access. You can use a laptop as well or any other mobile device that will allow you to connect to the Internet. You will also need an email address and possibly a Paypal account to receive your payments.
What are the requirements?
Many companies will allow you to sign up and start earning money right away for your content. You are not required to be a professional writer or have published any content before. There may be certain age requirements depending upon which company or companies you decide to write for but in general, you will need to be of legal age.
How much will it cost me?
Absolutely nothing! They pay you. You will never have to pay anything to anyone ever. If a company ever asks you to pay BEWARE!
How much can I expect to earn?
It varies on how much you write. The more you write the more you will make. If a particular article is very popular, you may even receive bonuses or additional pay for your content. If you write for Quality Gal and they pay you $15 per article and you write 20 articles in a week, that equals out to be $300. It depends upon the rates of each company and how much you are willing to write.
What can I write about?
For the most part, you can write on any subject or topic that you want to. It could be about your review of the latest movies that will be featured at the box office, places you love to travel, your favorite television shows, celebrities you love or love to hate, how to find deals when you go shopping, the impact of social media, the latest buzz, or anything that you interests you.
What kind of hours will I have to work?
This is freelance work, so you have to option to choose when you want and for how long. You are your boss. Make sure that you read the requirements of each company that you sign up for because some may specify that you will need to submit a couple of articles per week but the majority will not have any restrictions on how much you write.
Can I use someone else’s content?
No. This is plagiarism. This is forbidden and could even jeopardize your working relationship with the company.
How long will the articles need to be?
Generally, no more than 500 words each. If you are required to write an article for 750 words or 1,000 or more, you will get paid more money for those.
What companies will pay me for upfront to write articles online?
1. Constant Content
2. Textbroker
3. Skyword
4. Info Barrel
5. About.com
6. London Brokers
7. Live Strong
8. Internet Brands
9. Demand Studios
10. Love to Know
11. Consumer Search
12. Writers Access
13. Ecopywriter
14. Words of Worth
15. Content Divas
16. BoostCTR
17. Writersdomain.net
18. iWriter.com
19. Listverse
20. Cracked.com
21. Writertown
22. ThePennyHoarder
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