One of my Facebook followers recently told me that they had been invited to work for Zero Chaos.  If you visit this site frequently, you are well aware that I have posted several job leads from this particular company on the Weekly job section and Friday freebie pages.  Zero Chaos which was formerly called Workforce Logic is one of the few work-at-home employers that pays $15 per hour without requiring their remote workers to talk to their customers on the telephone.

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If you are looking for a non-phone work-at-home job with decent hourly pay, please give Zero Chaos a try.

This post may contain affiliate links but I only recommend sites that I have personally researched, trust or use.

I asked her to share some tips and advice for those who may decide to apply to this company to explain what their hiring process is like, what the job duties are and some tips to help you have a better chance of getting the job.  I hope this honest review for someone who actually works for Zero Chaos will prove to be helpful and give you some insight into what you can really expect working from home as an Ad Quality Rater for this well-known company.

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My Experience Working for Zero Chaos

My journey with Zero Chaos began in August 2015.  I saw a post on and decided to apply online.  The onboarding process was quite simple and very comprehensive.  I applied and received an email to continue the registration process which is quite extensive.  I did run into one issue during the registration process and reached out to the customer service department. In less than 15 minutes, they have my issue resolved and I was able to complete the registration.  Because this is a true employment opportunity, you have to go through a complete 19 verification which is done at a well-known establishment that has convenient locations all throughout the country by appointment only.  This took me less than 10 minutes to complete.

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After completing the onboarding process, I received an offer letter.  Once I accepted the offer and received my official start date, training materials were sent along with payroll information.  In this position, you will be completing a weekly timesheet.

A very important tip:  Make sure you keep track of your time because the timesheets are reviewed thoroughly and any discrepancies between the time spent working on tasks and what is recorded as time worked will result in a denied timesheet.

If your timesheet is denied, you have to provide more details.  I always keep a spreadsheet of my time actually worked on tasks, any breaks I take, and when I return back to working on tasks in order to ensure that my timesheet is accurate.  I only had one timesheet rejected and the process to get it approved was very simple.  Payday is every Friday by direct deposit and not once since August 2015 has a payroll deposit been late.  I have always been paid on time.

Accuracy is key with this assignment.  You will receive more tasks and different types of tasks from the standard ad evaluation tasks when you have a high accuracy rate.  A high accuracy rate will also help the company offer you a renewal of your assignment for a specified term.

A word of advice.  Do not get discouraged during times when there may not be tasks available to work on.  This happens from time to time where there may only be 30 minutes worth of tasks available in an entire week while at other times, there may be 20 hours worth of tasks available in an entire week.  When the tasks are available, make every effort to work at least the 10-hour minimum per week.  The company tells you upfront that there may be times when there are no tasks available.  You may also experience times when you will receive the same ads to evaluate multiple times.  This is common.

Additional Tips for Zero Chaos

  • Make sure that you take your time on all the screens and read the directions carefully.
  • You will need a dedicated Gmail account that will be used for Zero Chaos only.
  • Make sure you check your dedicated Gmail email address constantly because during and after the onboarding process, you will receive crucial information/updates and some are time-sensitive.
  • Be sure to read through the training materials thoroughly before starting the test tasks.
  • Read through the training guide several times so you completely understand what each assignment involves.
  • This is an added bonus that you may not be aware of about Zero Chaos.  The time that you spend reading the training guide is paid!

Overall, Zero Chaos is a great company to work for and has been a great way to pay some extra bills and have some extra spending money over the past year.  My assignment with Zero Chaos was renewed through August 2017.  The tasks are fun and interesting and you learn a lot about different industries.  The pay at $15 per hour is extremely generous and well worth the time you put into making the Internet better.

If you are interested in applying to work from home as an Ad Quality Rater for Zero Chaos, please go to their official website here and bookmark or save this post to increase your chances of getting the job.  Please check back periodically, if there are no job listings at this time or visit the weekly job section of this website.  If you currently work for Zero Chaos or have applied to this company in the past, feel free to leave me your comments below.

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A stay at home mom, author, instructor, and professional blogger providing the latest work from home job leads from real companies hiring and other ways to earn money from home.

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