Did you know that you can actually earn cash, merchandise, electronics, gifts, and prizes just for doing things you already do? Shopping! National Consumer Panel will give you free cash to scan barcodes on the products that you purchase. Every household can participate in this program and earn rewards for their groceries, beauty products, office supplies, and so much more!
Here is how it works.
What is the National Consumer Panel?
National Consumer Panel is a Neilsen Joint Venture. Neilsen is probably best known for its TV rating system to measure audience viewing habits. They are also involved in consumer shopping habits known as market research. Their National Consumer Panel is another extension of the company that will use this data to analyze what consumers purchase. They are a BBB-accredited business that needs people from all demographic and geographic areas across the United States to make an impact in the marketplace.
How does it work?
You go to their official website here and sign up with the code 4B790A to become a member of their panel. You will fill out all your information online and be contacted by National Consumer Panel and sent a welcome packet. You will next receive your scanner in a box delivered to your house with no shipping costs to you. You may also get access to their mobile app for more convenience.
Now you are ready to scan your barcodes each week from the products that you buy when you go shopping.
Will it be hard to set up?
No. The instructions are provided in the packet and it is very simple and will only take minutes to plug up and be ready for use.
Can I take my scanner with me?
Yes. If you are shopping for groceries and would like to take your scanner along, you can do so. Make sure that it is fully charged and ready to go. You could also opt to scan your groceries when you get home. Either way, you can decide which method is best for you.
National Consumer Panel also has a mobile app that you can download to make it convenient for you to scan your weekly item purchases.
Is there any cost?
No. You will never be charged a fee for anything.
What’s in it for me?
First of all, this is a great opportunity to have your voice heard and influence major companies. You will also earn rewards in the form of name-brand merchandise, electronics, jewelry, household items, toys, and so much more! In addition to this, every single month 20-panel members will win a $500 American Express Rewards Card. Every quarter 20-panel members will also win a Visa prepaid card just for sending in their prepaid card information so make sure that you scan your items every week.
If you don’t scan, you will not get an entry into the sweepstakes for more free rewards.
Are there any rules or restrictions?
Only one household per panel can sign up.
Where do I sign up?
You can sign up here with the code 4B790A to become a member of the National Consumer Panel and start earning your rewards today!
My Thoughts
I have done this before myself and earned many prizes and other rewards. It is simple and easy to do and only takes a few minutes to scan your barcodes. I even received a Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker that retails at around $250 at Walmart. I had wanted one but was hoping the price would go down before I bought one but because of being a member of this panel, I did not have to purchase one.
I got it for free! I love making beverages with this machine. You can see my Margaritaville machine in this YouTube video.
Join the National Consumer Panel to earn points for free household items, Flat Screen TVs, kitchen gadgets, gift cards, cash, and much more. You will be happy you joined.
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