Ever thought about writing your own book, photobook, trade book, ebook, or magazine?  Blurb is a company that makes it possible for people to create and write their own books and put them in the hands of millions of readers.  They have everything you need to create, print, and sell your own book at the Blurb Bookstore, Amazon, Apple iBooks store, Ingram, and even Barnes & Noble.
This post will tell you exactly what you can expect in self-publishing with Blurb so that you can get started creating your own books as soon as possible.
Self-Publishing And Making Money With Blurb

Self-publishing with Blurb is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to make money from home.  The process is so much easier than you may think.  Blurb allows you to submit your manuscript, market your book, and get your book into the hands of the people who are most likely to read it.  Here are the steps outlined for you to self-publish with Blurb.

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1. Submit For Editing

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After you have written your book, you will submit it to Blurb for editing.  The manuscript you have written is given good feedback from the Blurb staff. Blurb wants all its writers to publish the best version of their book possible, and the book will not be published until it has been reviewed and edited.

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2. Covers And Art

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Cover art is created for your book, and you must build a title page that introduces all of your readers to the world of the book.  Your book cannot catch the attention of readers if the cover is not printed well, and you are welcome to bring any art you want to the process.  Blurb also helps you find the art you need, or they collaborate with you as you build your cover.  The cover is presented with the book online, and it is used in the printing process.

3. Publishing

Your book can be published in many formats including hardbacks in bookstores and online media such as the Amazon bookstore.  Your book is published quickly, and you see it in stores and on Amazon faster than a traditional publisher.  The book you have written looks like it came from a large publisher with a professional layout and cover so it will definitely stand out.

4. Marketing

Blurb helps you publish your book with free book-making marketing tools the company created for authors just like you.  If you have a very good idea of your audience or know how you are targeting, Blurb will help you reach that audience.  You can stand to make more money if your marketing is done well, and you continue those marketing efforts every day.

5. Revenue

You are paid revenue on every reading and sale of your book.  You will earn a much higher percentage going through Blurb.  Please note that Blurb takes a small amount of that money when they manage your book.  You are welcome to work with a lawyer when signing your deal with Blurb, and you must have an idea of how many books you think you can sell in a year.  The Blurb staff helps increase those sales, and you are paid monthly for your efforts.

6. What Can You Publish?

You are allowed to publish any book you want from a self-help book to a romance novel.  You are also allowed to publish books for children, or you might publish books that explain your subject area.  Use Blurb to publish your dissertation or use Blurb to publish your own mystery novel.  You have the world at your fingertips because Blurb puts your book in the places every other book is sold.

7. When Can You Publish?

You must submit your manuscript to Blurb as soon as possible.  The sooner your manuscript goes into the editing process the faster you can start publishing, which is quicker than the average publisher.  You should not wait to publish because there is nothing stopping you.  The review and publication process at Blurb is faster than any other publisher, and authors have the opportunity to publish multiple books back to back.

8. Conclusion

Publishing your book with Blurb helps you submit and create a book that is published just as it would be with any other publisher.  Your book has a proper cover, and it has art that looks perfect.  You will also make money every time someone reads or buys your book, and you are marketed aggressively by the Blurb team.

If you are pondering ways to earn some passive income or would like to sell your own products, then self-publishing on Blurb may be just the perfect gig for you.  You get to express yourself, gain and retain an audience, get satisfaction from having a tangible product to offer that you created, and make money during the process.

Give Blurb a try.  Click here to get started publishing and selling your very own book with Blurb.

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A stay at home mom, author, instructor, and professional blogger providing the latest work from home job leads from real companies hiring and other ways to earn money from home.

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