Just about everybody is looking for a way to earn some extra cash this summer. With the high cost of gas, food, and everyday essential items, the extra money earned will help to offset the cost. One way you can do this is by signing up for PrizeRebel. This month, they are giving away $2,000 in cash to anyone who is a member of this site or joins for free.
Who is PrizeRebel?
PrizeRebel is one of the largest, free online rewards programs that is still in operation today. I personally use this site regularly as a source of extra income and you can too. Here are some interesting facts about PrizeRebel below.
- This market research company has been in business since 2007.
- They have over 12 million members from all over the world who log in and use their site to earn extra money.
- PrizeRebel has paid out over $22 million dollars and cash and gift cards to members.
- There is no limit or cap as to how much you can earn.
- You will earn consistent extra income every month.
- Easy tasks for you to complete whenever you want.
- PrizeRebel is open 365 days a year!
This is one of the most reliable, trustworthy sites on the internet today that will pay you to work on simple tasks from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. They are completely legitimate and pay instantly.
How do you earn with PrizeRebel?
PrizeRebel has a variety of ways you can earn cash in your spare time. I recommend that you start off by taking surveys. Why? Because they have an abundance of available surveys from market research providers that you can complete in a short amount of time. You can also engage with brands and advertisers to get product samples, play games, download apps, and more.
PrizeRebel also has ongoing monthly contests for you to earn more free points added to your account when you complete the most offers, surveys, international surveys, or refer others. Every two weeks 40 members will get free points to add to their points for more gift cards and cash! This process repeats itself every two weeks.
How much can you make with PrizeRebel?
New members can make close to $300 or more every month if they actively use the site. Even if you spend just 15 minutes a day with PrizeRebel, you can earn enough to cash out on the same day.
Did you know that you can make $500 a month with PrizeRebel? Get all the tips/tricks to increase your earnings with this guide.
What kind of rewards can you get?
PrizeRebel gives members points for each activity they complete. You can redeem those points to select PayPal cash, Visa Cards, gift cards from Kroger and other grocery stores, department stores, restaurants, gas gift cards, and more.
They have over 200+ gift cards from various well-known businesses and retailers for you to choose from.
How does the contest work?
Starting today, PrizeRebel is giving away $2,000 for the month of June. This contest will end on June 30th at 11:59 pm PST or PDT. PrizeRebel is giving away 10 prizes in the form of a $200 Amazon digital gift card that you can redeem instantly! A total of 10 winners will each win $200 from Amazon. This allows more than 1 person an opportunity to win the contest. All winners will be notified by phone, US mail, or email.
How do I enter the contest?
You can’t enter the contest unless you are a member. You can join here for free here. After you have created and confirmed your account, you can start earning money right away. You will also get an entry into the contest once you have referred your family, friends, and others to join too.
Please remember that teens can join too with parental consent as long as they are 16 years of age. Encourage teens to join for some extra cash while they are out of school for the summer.
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