Would you like to get free products and earn $3 for every survey you complete from home?  Pinecone Research is actually looking for panelists to complete surveys for them online.  In the past, you could only sign up for Pinecone Research if you were sent an invitation but now you can join through Workersonboard.  This is exciting news for those who never got the opportunity to sign up for Pinecone Research but would like to do so.

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For those who have never heard of Pinecone Research before, I will explain what it is and how it works and why I recommend this company.

What is Pinecone Research?

Pinecone Research is a legitimate research company that has been around for several years and will actually pay you to complete 15-20 minute surveys from home.  They will also send you free products that you can try out in your home as well.  This company is based out of Covington, KY, and is currently recruiting panelists to become a member and get paid for their opinions.

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This post may contain affiliate links but I only recommend sites that I have personally researched, trust or use.

Are there any fees?

Get paid cash instantly to take short polls https://paidviewpoint.com/?r=p8xvji

You will never have to pay any fees ever.  They pay you!

How much will I make?

It depends upon how many surveys you complete for them.  They will actively send you surveys on a regular basis, so you will need to check your email frequently so that you will not miss one.

What are their methods of pay?

You can opt to receive your earnings in the form of a check or through your PayPal account.

What are their requirements?

You will need an email address that is valid so you can receive your surveys and a PayPal address if you choose to receive your money through PayPal.

What kind of surveys will I complete?

They vary.  Some that I have completed for Pinecone Research before have been on makeup products, skin care, beauty, foods, kitchen appliances, and many other things.

Can men join Pinecone Research also?

Absolutely.  It is open to both men and women.

Why do I recommend Pinecone Research?

If you are looking for a legitimate survey company that will pay you cash every time you complete a survey and not points or rewards, Pinecone Research is one of the best survey companies online today.  They have been around for a very long time and it is one of the very first companies that I ever made money with.

Here are some additional reasons why I recommend Pinecone Research.

– Registration form takes a minute or less to complete
– Interviews average 15-20 minutes
– Receive $3.00 for each product survey plus entry in their Sweepstakes to win additional cash prizes!

Where do I sign up for Pinecone Research?

You can sign up for Pinecone Research by clicking here.  If you go to their official website there is no place for you to join, so you will have to click on the banner or link contained within this post to register for Pinecone Research for free.

Check out Pinecone Research today and get paid cash for your time!

More survey panels that pay cash

Real Surveys that pay – This Facebook group has many more legitimate survey panels that pay you (Global Survey Panels also)

Nielsen Panel



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A stay at home mom, author, instructor, and professional blogger providing the latest work from home job leads from real companies hiring and other ways to earn money from home.


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  • David · at

    Why the banner link leads to abother page that isn’t about pinecone research

      aw1219 · at

      I just checked it and it was working fine. It will lead you to Pinecone Research.

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