As you know, there are a lot of ways to make money online.  Some of them are worth your while and others seem to be a waste of time.  I wrote this post to share with you a few avenues that have proved to work for many who choose to work remotely.  Just remember that in order to make it work for you, you will need to work hard and never give up.  Patience is truly an essential quality when it comes to being successful at making money from home.

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This post may contain affiliate links but I only recommend sites that I have personally researched, trust or use.

Another important tip to remember is that for some, this may be a trial and error process.  What works for you may not work for the other person and vice versa.  If that is the case, it is okay. We are all different and have various qualities and attributes that make us who we are.

If writing articles (for example) doesn’t work out for you, that doesn’t mean that you’re a failure it just means that it is not your niche.  You may be better suited to edit the content that has already been written by other people.

That is why I stated in the previous paragraph not to give up.  If you keep trying, you will find what really works for you and excel in it to achieve your goals.

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In my personal experience, I have found that passive income is the absolute BEST way to make money from home.  The reason for this is that you only have to produce the product, service, or content once and it will continue to generate income for you forever!  The time and energy that you invest initially do not even compare to the amount of income that you stand to gain.  Some companies will even promote your product for free without you having to do it yourself!

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Are you ready to give it a try?

So let’s get started to find out some of the best ways to make money at home.

The Best Ways to Make Money at Home

  1. Blogging – One of my favorite ways to make money online because it enables you to have multiple ways to earn online with sponsored posts, and content, sell advertising space, promote products for a commission, sell your own products, and so much more.  This is in addition to Google Adsense and direct affiliate companies that you may work with.  If you would like to try blogging, please take my online course entitled, “How to Start a blog with Blogger or WordPress” on Udemy.  You can take the course right now for just $11 or less than $9 if you sign up for a free Ebates account to get 17.5% cash back on Udemy courses.  You will also need to obtain a blog from Bluehost that comes with all the features that you will need to build and create your own professional blog.  It comes with a free domain, site builder, 1 click WordPress install, and 24/7 support.   Sign up to get your own blog with Bluehost here.  You can also use Blogger but I highly recommend a service like Bluehost because of its functionality and ability to use plugins.
  2. Online Course – I waited too long to take advantage of this opportunity because I didn’t have the tools to create an online course that would be visually stimulating and entertaining but I didn’t let that stop me.  I found a program that enabled me to express my ideas and information that has generated passive income for me every month.  Each course took me roughly 8 hours to complete with my outline, subject matter, visuals, and presentation slides.  I am so happy that I decided to use this avenue because Udemy is one of the few companies that promote your online courses to millions of students online.  This will give your course more exposure and help you to generate more sales online.  A very easy way to earn passive income.  You can check out my courses on Udemy How to Start a Blog and How to Find Legitimate work at home Jobs.
  3. Ebates – Almost everybody shops online and offline that is why I use and recommend Ebates to as many people as I can.  Not only is it free to use but you can generate passive income just by referring your friends to use Ebates!  In fact, you can earn up to $25,000 every 3 months or 4 times a year just for recommending the site to your friends.  This amount doesn’t include the cash you earn for shopping with Ebates.  You have to give this site a try.  Sign up here.
  4. Emails – Have your own email newsletter service that you send out to others on a regular basis.  It is one of the best ways to earn money because once you send out the newsletter all your hard work is done.  Your subscribers will click on content that interests them and if you are partnered with an affiliate company or are a sponsor or use a referral program, it will help you to generate income.  Try Constant Contact today for free.
  5. Videos – Another passive way to earn money at home promoting content in the form of videos rather than on paper.  It is possible to generate income online with videos if you enable advertising on your videos.  YouTube has changed the terms for newcomers to enable this feature until you have either a certain number of subscribers or views but you can still do this.  You will make money every month from Google which owns YouTube as long as you have earned $100 and every month thereafter as long as your videos are still accessible on YouTube.
  6. App – Ever thought of creating your own app?  Many have done this or hired a developer to do so to enable them to generate income with in-app purchases or charge a small fee for others to download and install the app or their mobile device.
  7. Video Surveys – Companies like Mindswarms, Video Chat Network, Product Tube, and even VoxPopMe will pay you to record video responses about a product or service and submit them online.  You can earn $100 for just one hour of your time with Video Chat Network and $50 to answer just 7 questions with Mindswarms.  Payments are sent in less than 24 hours.  If you would like an invite to Video Chat Network, please leave me a comment with your email address below.
  8. Books – Writing books online can be a very lucrative way to make money online.  You can create your title, table of contents, and subtitles with content in a pdf format to upload to companies like Amazon Direct Publishing as an ebook or physical book.  Amazon has all the free photos and designs to help your book look professional and user-friendly.  Buyers of your book will leave reviews to help you sell more books.  I highly recommend writing a book, if you ever wanted to do so.  If you are intimidated by the writing process, you could also hire someone to do this for you.
  9. Focus Groups – You have a greater chance of being able to participate in an online focus group where you can earn up to $200 and sometimes more depending on the study.  Market research companies are always looking for participants until they fill their spots.  So act quickly when you hear about a paid online study and sign up with as many as you can.
  10. Writing – Did you know that freelance writers can earn up to $27 per hour working their own schedule?  There are even a few companies that pay writers hourly pay for their content.  BlogMutt is one company that pays its writers $8 per hour and Coalition pays $14 for a 500-word article.  The most that I have seen so far, is from Magoosh.  They pay $30 per hour for content writers.  There are several writing gigs to choose from and most of them pay per article, per word, or hourly pay.  Just remember that the more you write, the better you will get and the more you will earn.
  11. Tutoring Students – You can earn a decent income by tutoring students online.  There are a lot of people who simply want to learn English and there are so many companies that pay up to $20 per hour or more for your time.  You can find many tutoring jobs on this website and by visiting this page.
  12. Selling Gigs – According to, it is possible to make on average $60 per order from a Fiverr gig.  Of course, the gigs start at $5 but with the add-ons, you can make much more.  I used this site myself and even made $75 in just 5 minutes!  Find out how I did this by watching this video.  You can also check out my active Fiverr gig here.  I took a break for about 4 months but I am back on Fiverr now.


    A stay at home mom, author, instructor, and professional blogger providing the latest work from home job leads from real companies hiring and other ways to earn money from home.


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  14. San · at

    Hi Alicia I would like an invite from Video Chat Network. Please!

    Cheryl · at

    Hi Alicia I would like an invite from video chat network. You.

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