Amazon Mturk Guide with Real Tips to earn more Money There are a lot of people who simply want to get paid to do quick, easy tasks from home.  This can be accomplished by taking short surveys, scanning receipts, and barcodes, writing articles, buying and trying products, answering polls, or even browsing the web.  Another popular method people are using to earn money fast is Amazon Mturk.

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What is Amazon Mturk?

Amazon Mturk is created, owned, and operated by the company Amazon.  Amazon Mturk has virtual tasks on its marketplace that require human intelligence.  It is accessed every minute by people looking to make a few dollars every day from home.  This site has thousands of tasks for you to complete whenever it is most convenient.  You can exchange the money that you make from Mturk for Amazon gift cards or cash.

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Who can work for Mturk?

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Mturk has a list of 25 countries that can work for Mturk to complete these HITS or human intelligence tasks.  If you happen to be located in a very popular country, you will most likely be allowed to work for Mturk with little to no issues signing up.  If you are able to sign up for an Amazon account, you can check to see if you are eligible for Mturk.

All accounts are reviewed and notified within 3 business days via email from Amazon Mturk to let you know if you are eligible to participate.

How much can you make using Mturk?

If you put in enough effort and work with Mturk, you can make around $7 to $8 per hour and even up to $15 per hour in short spans.  In fact, some people have managed to make somewhere in the range of $140 to $350 in just one week!  But that can be a little difficult to achieve when you are just beginning and don’t know yet where to start and what jobs are worth taking.

If you have been a member of Mturk for a while and haven’t noticed a big income change, you probably just aren’t looking in the right places or you aren’t spending enough time to create a significant amount of money.  Don’t worry, there are tons of ways you can improve and there are amazing orders you can pick up to make more money as long as you stay updated on what is getting listed.

How often should you work in order to make a significant amount each week?

I would suggest that you treat Mturk like a real job.  While it is fun to make money online when you are bored, you aren’t going to make enough that will sustain you if you don’t take it seriously.  You don’t have to follow a strict schedule with Mturk, which is a good bonus for working or stay-at-home moms, but you should still try to find a schedule for yourself so you can focus on working.

You should be working at least 5 hours a day on Mturk in order to make the money you are expecting to see at the end of the week.

What jobs should you focus on in order to make significant money?

The receipt jobs are very easy and you can make anywhere from 1 cent to 25 cents per order.  These jobs just require you to read the receipt and type in the information from that into a data center.  These typing/data entry jobs are the most popular on Amazon Mturk and you can always find at least 500 of them posted each day.

Amazon Mturk also has user surveys.  The surveys here take anywhere between 5 minutes to over an hour, but the pay makes it entirely worth it.  The only catch is you have to go through a screening to see if you qualify for the survey.  If you don’t, then you wasted 3 minutes.  If you do qualify, you could get up to $0.50 just for a single survey, though most of them only pay up to $0.15 until you get invited to one.

Real Tips to earn $20 a day or more with Amazon Mturk
If you want to make more money with Amazon Mturk, you have to come up with a strategy and stick with it.  If your goal is to earn $20 a day with Amazon Mturk, work until you have reached that goal.  This mindset can be applied to any work at home side gig/hustle, or task that you want to do from home.  Check out these are some other practical tips below to help you earn more with Amazon Mturk.
  • Avoid the low-paying HITS at all costs.
  • Seek out tasks that pay at least 10 cents per minute.
  • Improve your approval rating so that you can get access to higher-paying HITS.
  • Install Mturk Suite, a Google Chrome extension that will help you weed out the poor or lower-paying HITS so you can work on the good ones and how much you can make per hour working on certain HITS.
  • Try to be as accurate as possible when you complete tasks or HITS on Mturk.
  • Join Subreddit Mturk for additional tips to increase your earnings with this platform.

Please give this site a try, if you haven’t already to implement these tips to see just how much you can make with Amazon Mturk.  Turkers already using this site, can also apply these tips to increase their earnings.  New users can sign up to be a worker for Amazon Mturk here.

Did you know you can get paid to listen to songs on Amazon?

Watch this video below for all the details

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    A stay at home mom, author, instructor, and professional blogger providing the latest work from home job leads from real companies hiring and other ways to earn money from home.


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